
Article | 5 min |
Is it better to buy new or renovate your current home? Sometimes it’s hard not to be tempted by the greener grass of a new home, especially if your home isn’t exactly how you want it to look or function. But the idea of putting your house on the market and leaving your beloved neighborhood behind breaks your heart. You’re at a real estate crossroads — something has to change, but is it better to buy a new house or renovate your current address? New House Benefits A new house can be the answer to your current home’s woes. Perhaps you need more space for your growing family or less square...
Article | 5 min |
How Paying Bills on Time Can Improve Your Life Paying your bills on time is one of the key aspects of taking charge of your financial life. Not only does paying bills on time help you avoid a number of nasty repercussions, but it can also have lots of short and long-term positive side effects. Click here to view an important note before clicking on links within the video. Avoid Late Fees Arguably the most immediate reason to pay bills on time is to avoid late fees. Some companies and services will charge late fees just minutes after a payment is due. It’s especially...